Presented By: Larry Veltman, M.D.
February 2017
Each labor and delivery unit is different with respect to their volume of deliveries, staffing, location of operating rooms and availability of obstetrical and anesthesia personnel. One essential component of obstetrical care, no matter what the makeup is of any given unit, is the need and the ability to perform an emergency cesarean delivery when indicated. This presentation examines the components, the policies and the training necessary for each labor and delivery team to be able to perform emergency cesarean delivery. Special attention is given to the topic of the laboring patient after a previous cesarean (VBAC) and the necessary safeguards that must be in place to respond to the emergency of a ruptured uterus.
- Be able to list the components necessary in order to perform an emergency cesarean delivery
- Introduce a structured approach for the examination of these components, the 6 “A”s: Assess, Alert, Align, Assemble, Act and Analyze
- Examine the components of care necessary when caring for women in labor who have had a previous cesarean delivery (VBAC) and the state of readiness necessary to be able to manage the potential of a uterine rupture
Your entire healthcare team will benefit from this session so please be sure to tune in.
For OB inquiries, please contact Lisa Matheny at (818) 507-9648 or