Too little too soon: Preterm Labor Management

Home » Too little too soon: Preterm Labor Management

Presented By:  Martin November, M.D., MBA, FACOG
September 2010

Preterm delivery is the #1 cause of neonatal mortality and the 2nd leading cause of infant mortality in the United States according to the National Center for Health Statistics. Preterm birth is a significant public health and economic concern that often becomes a risk related issue when not identified timely or managed appropriately. This month’s webinar entitled “Too Little, Too Soon” provides the clinician with insight into proper screening, diagnosis and management of preterm delivery including identification of those at particular risk. Practical tools and case studies are shared.


  • Reveal the correlation of preterm delivery and economic, public health, and liability concerns
  • Review the pathophysiology of preterm labor and its relationship to screening and diagnosis
  • Describe current evidence-based management of patients in preterm labor


Your entire healthcare team will benefit from this session so please be sure to tune in.


For OB inquiries, please contact Heather Gocke at (818) 545-3351 or

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