Communication Assessment Intro

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One of the principle tenets of BETA HEART® is a commitment to honest, transparent and empathic communication. The conversations that take place after a harm event are often stressful and difficult for all involved. While recognizing the challenges in these situations, we are seeking to identify those professionals within our organization who possess the characteristics that will most benefit our BETA HEART teams supporting and coaching others in communicating with patients, families and caregivers in these situations. This assessment is applicable to both the Communication and Care for the Caregiver team members.

While not the sole determining factor, the communication assessment is an important tool providing insight into your own communication style when engaging in complex situations. The skills and traits that are required in these situations are a consistent and natural expression of empathy, sincerity, honesty, active listening skills and exuding a sense of safety when engaged in complex, emotionally taxing conversations.

As a BETA HEART team member, we invite you to take a voluntary communication assessment. This assessment is one component of a comprehensive process in team selection. It will be used to measure “cognitive complexity” and messaging styles. The assessment should take no more than fifteen minutes and is available via Survey Monkey at:

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