Use of Actors for Scenario Enactments

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At BETA, we use actors to enact scenarios for our BETA HEART workshops, Annual Member Symposium sessions and other training events because we find that working with actors is the closest our members can get to a real-life situation in a learning environment. When a patient is harmed in healthcare, responding openly and honestly to the patient and their family is critical. These conversations are complex and require a skill set that most of us can improve, which involves perspective-taking (or putting yourself in someone else’s shoes), listening and communicating with empathy. It takes practice.

Working with 5 by 12 Films

We partner with 5 by 12 Films because their expertise gives our participants the ability to suspend belief and fully engage in the actor’s portrayal in a way that provides for a richer experience and more meaningful learning applying an experiential approach. By introducing situations and scenarios that one may face in a healthcare setting, our members experience actors who are not simply enacting a role, but adding emotional and social context to scenarios and intensity to situations beyond that provided by peer role play.

“I have had the distinct pleasure of witnessing the transformation of clinical staff after working with 5 by 12 and their expert actors. We’ve learned firsthand that the interactive learning experience delivered in participatory enactments and practice is not simply didactic, and is highly effective. Not only do the actors make the scenarios real, but they also provide feedback to the learner in a psychologically safe and productive manner. I’ve discovered there is no learning without practice and now weave experiential learning into all of our BETA HEART (healing, empathy, accountability, resolution and trust) content.”
- Heather Gocke, Vice President of Risk Management and Safety, BETA Healthcare Group

The use of actors injects a realism into these scenarios in a way that not only adds depth to the training, but often in post-scenario discussion, imparts learning from the actor about how they felt in the situation and what worked and what didn’t. This is invaluable learning and working with 5 by 12 Films makes it happen.


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