For over two decades, BETA Healthcare Group (BETA) has consistently offered some of the lowest healthcare professional liability rates in the industry. Our Underwriting Department is instrumental in making sure that rates remain stable and actuarially reasonable. Working closely with claims, marketing, and risk management, our underwriting staff analyzes each member’s coverage needs, suggests coverage modifications and benchmarks rates and products against the commercial market. While we follow rigorous actuarial guidelines, as a joint powers authority BETA is able to offer broader coverage and adjust rates to specific exposures more easily than many other professional liability insurers.
Our underwriting professionals are also a valued information resource. They can answer questions about coverage, exposures or contribution or premium payments; discuss new exposures or special circumstances; and provide certificates of coverage upon request.
Our Underwriting Department can be reached via email at underwriting@betahg.com.
Our underwriting staff all stress the importance of being contacted early and often with liability questions or concerns.
Phone: (925) 838-6070
Professional Liability Fax: (925) 838-6088
Email: underwriting@betahg.com
Michele Reager
Vice President of Underwriting
Susy Clay
Director of Underwriting Operations